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The Power of Energy

Deborah Myers

There are many alternative approaches to wellness that are recognized as complementary therapies to conventional medical practices. Energy medicine recognizes that our bodies have unseen energy pathways, often called meridians or channels, which run vertically and diagonally through the body. The purpose of these rivers of energy is to make sure that all areas of the body receive adequate circulation and oxygenation, which can happen if those rivers of energy have strong currents and good levels.

Blockages, stagnation, and deficiencies can develop in these flows in response to impacts on the body, including: daily living, stress, habits, illnesses, injuries, chronic conditions, environmental influences, attitudes, emotional upsets or traumas, mental confusion or too much thinking. Whatever it is, if the consequences of the impact are allowed to stay within the body, the energy system will become depleted.

One of the intentions of energy medicine is to help restore the unimpeded flow of energy through the pathways and systems of the body. With touch (acupressure) or needle (acupuncture) we can stimulate or awaken the movement of vital energy. Simply placing your fingertips on designated energy balance points along these rivers can release the accumulated blocked energy, thus harmonizing and restoring the energy flow. This will help you move through and beyond physical “projects,” stuck emotions or old patterns that are affecting the body’s potential to heal.

Further, a balanced energy system will be more relaxed and have less stress, more vitality and productivity, a greater ability to focus, a stronger immune system, and less pain and discomfort. Releasing the blocked energy will help the body let go of many issues, including: chronic and acute pain, nausea, fatigue, depression, anxiety, respiratory issues, headaches, hormone imbalances, insomnia, reactions to allergens and medications, and gastrointestinal disorders. Energy balancing can be extremely beneficial before and after operations and procedures. Whatever the “project,” experiencing an energy balancing session can help you on your way to health and wellness.

Doing energy balancing on yourself can help you prepare your body for whatever you are asking it to do and for whatever is coming at it. Anyone can learn easy self-help energy exercises and movements to do in bed, sitting in a chair, at the office, prior to and after exercise, while waiting in traffic or in stressful moments. Holding energy balance points with a light gentle touch will help the body experience that sensation of balance and harmony (physical, mental and emotional) and assist you in reaching your true potential for health and happiness.

Deborah Myers, Certified Acupressurist and Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner and Certified Theta Healing practitioner, is a graduate of the Acupressure Institute, Berkeley, CA and has trained under several Jin Shin Jyutsu masters. She has also studied Touch for Health, Therapeutic Touch, Reflexology, Shiatsu, Tui Na, intuitive healing, and has extensive training in women’s health issues. Her background includes degrees in sociology and psychology and careers as a counselor, mediator, and financial consultant.


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